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Currently Sciopathy is offering two different 5-day workshops; our Autism Protocol Workshop and Following the Lead of the SCIO. 

We have found that five day workshops are the most preferred and effective way to learn the autism protocol. Five day workshops give you the time to practise what you are learning in the midst of being able to ask questions and clarify everything that you need to know. This time period also allows us to demonstrate clearly how powerful the protocol is for each individual client.

Five day workshops go for 6 hours a day for five days from 9 AM through 4 PM each day with an hour off for lunch. We typically book them over weekends so that participants need not lose too many working days, but are willing to adapt to what works best for our students. There are two facilitators present, one to present the material and the other to work in the background to make sure that our students are all keeping up as we move through the different screens on the SCIO/Eductor/Indigo.

A five day workshop can happen anywhere in the world. If anyone is interested in organizing a workshop in your area, we are willing to work with you. The Organizer of the workshop will attend the workshop for free. We need a minimum of 10 confirmed participants before we officially book the venue.

Workshops include all computer files, instructions, forms and Power Points that can be printed and shared with your future clients. Each student will receive a certificate of attendance for 30 hours which may be used as CEO's.

A to Z Protocol

Workshop Schedule

Day 1: What is Auto-Immune? Families with children and other professionals in the community are also welcome to attend

Day 2: Working with the client who has an auto-immune condition

Day 3: The A to Z Protocol

Day 4: The A to Z Protocol

Day 5: The Auto-immune condition is cleared - now what?

Days 2- through 5: working directly on the Eductor/SCIO/Indigo

Interested in helping organize

a workshop in your area?

Please let us know at

Following the Lead

of the SCIO

Workshop Schedule

Day 1: The basic protocol which shows you how to read the screen and use the information revealed in the background programs to allow you to do as effective a session as possible.


Day 2: How to "follow the lead of our device". Where to go and what to do to follow their directions.


Day 3: How to determine the blockages to healing for your individual client and what to do when you have found them.


Day 4: How to clear emotional blockages for your client.


Day 5: How to work with specific concerns such as cancer, diabetes, auto immune disorders, food poisoning, etc. Participants will choose what we work on.

Our Students write.....

 I HIGHLY recommend this class!

 A ton of valuable information!

Didn't want the class to end! 

Kelly Parrot

 I took Gail Iris Gillingham Wylie's class and was very impressed. I totally recomend it. For those not working in Autism the idea and zapping protocol and how to check with the superconscious can be useful for chronic viral conditions.

Cathy Mishkin Bliss

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