Following the Lead of the SCIO

March 18 - 22, 2024
Ramada by Wyndham
Tampa Airport Westshore
$500.00 per Person

1200 N West Shore Blvd, Tampa, Florida, 33607
+1 (813) 302 - 7891
Recieve a special room rate of $106 per night if you mention you are attending the Sciopathy Workshop when booking your room.
Free shuttle to and from the Tampa Airport.
Workshop Schedule
9 AM - 4 PM each day
with an hour break for lunch
Day 1: The basic protocol which shows you how to read the screen and use the information revealed in the background programs to allow you to do as effective a session as possible.
Day 2: How to "follow the lead of our device". Where to go and what to do to follow their directions.
Day 3: How to determine the blockages to healing for your individual client and what to do when you have found them.
Day 4: How to clear emotional blockages for your client.
Day 5: How to work with specific concerns such as cancer, diabetes, auto immune disorders, food poisoning, etc. Participants will choose what we work on.
Bonus Offer: We will give a copy of our instruction manual to anyone who has registered and paid for the workshop and convinces someone else to join us - have them fill out the form below and write referred by........... (your name) in the message area. Manuals will be presented during the workshop.The offer is only available to those who pay by March 15, 2020.
We will be using the manual throughout the workshop.
This manual is for sale for $150.00 USD If you already have a manual, you will receive the flashdrive with the manual on it.
Food and Drinks:
Due to the variety of different diets and/ allergies that we encounter when offering workshops of this type, we choose not to provide food of any kind during the workshop but let our participants take responsibility for this themselves. This also helps us to keep the cost of registration down.
There is a restaurant in the hotel as well as others in the nearby vicinity.